Saturday, August 2, 2014

Concepts in Electric Circuits

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Old but excellent explanation from TVO if any1 know anyplace to get more videos please tell us

Electric Motor easy to make


I do not speak English, unfortunately I can not make a tutorial that explains step by step, just google translator.

Understanding Electricity (Documentary)


A Documentary video describing the electricity in a different way for better understanding.

Electricity in Venezuela

The formal history of electricity in Venezuela began in 1888 in the city of Maracaibo, with the installation of The Maracaibo Electric Light Company (since 1940 transformed into electrical energy in Venezuela, (ENELVEN), founded by Jaime F. Carrillo to illuminate the main streets of the capital of Zulia. on October 24 of that year, 1888, the date on which celebrate the centenary of the birth of the hero Rafael Urdaneta Zulia, Maracaibo public lighting was opened, making this the first city ​​Venezuela that had electric lighting. Later, in 1889, entered service electrical system valencia, so this was not formed in the second city of the country that had electric lighting. The implementation of this initiative of electric lighting was American Michael F. Dooley, who installed a steam plant whose fuel was wood and coal. Later the plant was acquired by businessman Carlos Palacios, who transformed to produce hydroelectricity. Thus he founded the electricity valencia, CA A Caracas would electricity in 1897. Nevertheless, and in 1873, the Caracas had the opportunity to see first electric lighting, when the Venezuelan scientist Vicente Marcano installed a small device to illuminate some public sites on the name day of the Liberator (October 28). Something similar would happen ten years later, in 1883, when Carlos Palacios installed a small electric generator, driven by steam, to illuminate the night of June 24, the date on the centenary of the birth of Simon Bolivar commemorating the Guzmán Blanco theater (now municipal theater), boulevards and commerce Street. Later in 1896, they would enjoy a moment of electricity when the Bolivar square was lit to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre. However, all these attempts were transient electric lighting, as the capital alone is not established but a power in the late nineteenth century plant. On August 8, 1897 with the assistance of the then President, General Joaquín Crespo, the inauguration of the first hydroelectric plant in Venezuela, in the place known as "The Enchanted" in the guide you river was made near the population Santa Lucia, in the valleys of the Tuy (Miranda State). This new hydroelectric plant was conceived by the Venezuelan engineer Ricardo Zuloaga, who founded Company Limited 1895 Electricidad de Caracas, inspired by the great utilities that were installed in the United States and France. After installation of the hydroelectric plant "Enchanted", began to settle small electric companies in almost all major towns in the country. Although, of course, they could only cover the lighting of the busiest public places. Subsequently the use of electricity was spreading throughout the country increased use in industrial and residential activities.

Electric Current

Motion of electric charges

Simulated circuit

It has an inclined plane which contains fasteners regularly distributed. This plane can be tilted at varying angles. This device is useful for studying the motion of electric charges in a circuit.

Friday, August 1, 2014

RC circuits

Charging and discharging of a capacitor

Circuit loading and unloading microammeter

It has an RC circuit in which, by means of a microammeter, one can observe the behavior of the current in the charging and discharging of the capacitor.

Circuit loading and unloading with oscilloscope

It has an RC circuit whose behavior can be studied through an oscilloscope signals.

Electromotive Force

Different sources of electromotive force

Lemon or potato 

   In a lemon or a potato, an aluminum wire and copper wire is inserted. By means of a terminal connected between aluminum and copper galvanometer the existence of an electromotive force is found.

A thermocouple Hilo Metal

There is a device having a connection between wires of different materials: copper and tungsten. It can be seen that by heating said junction is a potential difference which circulates through a galvanometer occurs.

A thermocouple wire mesh

There is a device having two metal sheets of different materials. It can be seen that by heating the device a potential difference which circulates through a galvanometer connected to it is produced.

Copper-Zinc battery

Battery CuZn shown in a transparent pyrex. It can be seen as the zinc electrode is worn by the action of sulfuric acid used as electrolyte.

Pila de Volta

It has built a stack composed of copper and nickel coins separated by loose cloth soaked in a saline solution.

Swatch batteries

It has a set of batteries in common use.

Electrical Engineering

The Electrical Engineer is the study of all aspects of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy. It is dedicated to the study of systems and electrical systems. Determines the type of machine to be used by performance, capacity, and potential duration and directed assembly, functionality, repair and maintenance. Their work is closely related to the activities of areas of generation, transmission, distribution, processing, consumption, and control electronics.

Occupational Market:
Electricity generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy; companies manufacturing industrial electrical equipment, electrical machinery, and electronic equipment; offices and research projects in the area of instrumentation, electrical measurements, transmission, processing and consumption of electrical energy. Design and implementation of electrical projects for residential and industrial buildings.

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