Friday, August 1, 2014

Electromotive Force

Different sources of electromotive force

Lemon or potato 

   In a lemon or a potato, an aluminum wire and copper wire is inserted. By means of a terminal connected between aluminum and copper galvanometer the existence of an electromotive force is found.

A thermocouple Hilo Metal

There is a device having a connection between wires of different materials: copper and tungsten. It can be seen that by heating said junction is a potential difference which circulates through a galvanometer occurs.

A thermocouple wire mesh

There is a device having two metal sheets of different materials. It can be seen that by heating the device a potential difference which circulates through a galvanometer connected to it is produced.

Copper-Zinc battery

Battery CuZn shown in a transparent pyrex. It can be seen as the zinc electrode is worn by the action of sulfuric acid used as electrolyte.

Pila de Volta

It has built a stack composed of copper and nickel coins separated by loose cloth soaked in a saline solution.

Swatch batteries

It has a set of batteries in common use.

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